UV Disinfection Systems

UV Disinfection


UVD Robots is the world’s leading provider of autonomous, self-driving, uv disinfection system robots that use the germicidal qualities of UV-C irradiation. Healthcare institutions across six continents deploy UVD Robots in their daily preventative sanitation practices.
UVD Robots provide fully automated disinfection solutions with safer, predictable, and cost-effective outcomes. The UVD Robot is chemical-free and requires minimal interaction with staff, ensuring operational effectiveness and efficient use of on-site personnel. The UVD Robot continually adapts as a robotic platform to be smarter, better, and more user-friendly.

Bring Environmental Hygiene to a Higher level

UV-C light improves environmental
hygiene through disinfection, limiting the risks associated with transmitted microorganisms. It is the perfect solution for bringing disinfection protocols to a higher level in an environment.



Achieve faster room turnaround times
and reduce labor and consumable costs significantly by using automated disinfection.

UV Disinfection

With a 75% market share,
UVD Robots is the market leader in autonomous uv disinfection systems


Third-party, independent UV-C laboratory tests show UVD Robots’ 254 nm UV-C light has a deactivation effect as high as a log 7 reduction, or 99.99999%.

  • S. Aureus
  • VRE – Enterococcus spp.
  • C. diff – Clostridioides difficile Acinetobacter spp.
  • E. coli – Escherichia Coli
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Klebsiella spp.

*Adapted from Hota B, Et. Al. Clin Infect Dis 2004;39:1182-9 and Kramer A, et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2006;6:130.
Survival time is very dependent on the oxygen available and other factors in the reservoir where the microorganisms grow.

UV Disinfection
UV Disinfection


UV kills cells as a result of accumulated DNA/RNA damage. Within a cell, the p53 gene produces proteins that slow the cell cycle and check for damage. If there is fixable damage, the p53 gene sends in proteins to repair the cell. If the damage is too extensive, the gene directs the cell to apoptosis, or programmed cell death. UV-C Light has a wavelength that ranges from 200 to 280 nm, and its maximum germicidal effect range is between 260 and 265 nm. Mercury vapor lamps emit more than 90% of their radiation at 253.7 nm, which is close to the maximum microbicidal range.



UV-C light has some limitations when it comes to shadows and distances. The UVD Robot, however, distributes UV-C light evenly in its environment, in an effective whole-room capacity. With the UVD Robots Fleet Administration system, you get a live overview of your fleet of UVD Robots. You can access all aspects of your disinection history: which rooms were disinfected; how well were they disinfected, and much more. You also have access to detailed disinfection reports, including UV-C exposure maps of the disinfected areas, all of which can be exported into PDF format.

*Adapted from Hota B, Et. Al. Clin Infect Dis 2004;39:1182-9 and Kramer A, et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2006;6:130.
Survival time is very dependent on the oxygen available and other factors in the reservoir where the microorganisms grow.

Multilayer Safety System

The UVD Robot is equipped with a multilayer safety system, meaning it has numerous safety features for different operational levels. These settings can be configured in the UVD Robot’s operating system. The disinfection process will stop immediately in relation to:

In case the robot moves out of its operating range

Tablet movement
In case the control tablet is shaken or moved abruptly

Heat sensor activation
In case the robot detects someone in close proximity

Walk sensor activation
In case the robot detects someone moving nearby

UV Disinfection

Disinfection Coverage : 360 degrees

Disinfection Time : 10 min – Regular room including toilet – 269 sq ft / 25 m2 30 min – Large area – 5,382 sq ft / 500 m2

Connectivity : Wireless (Wi-Fi-based)

UV-C Wavelength : 254 nm (Ozone-free220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, 6 Amps

Charging Requirements : Software & Sensor-based Emergency

Safety : Stop Button

UV Disinfection

Your success is not just about keeping the UVD Robot running. We are committed to ensuring that you will be successful in using your UVD Robot.


The UVD Robots Service Program is a comprehensive service program intended to help you to realize the full potential of your UVD Robot at the right level of service for your business.


The future cannot be predicted. But you can plan for it.


You can choose between multiple service-level options based on your specific needs.

Get Started with us Today!